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Error: Check your MX records and try again

You've followed the instructions to set up Office 365 from ITEGY-Distinctive Technology Services on an external domain, and now you're getting the message Check your MX records and try again, or not receiving email after 48 hours. You may need to delete some old DNS records that are no longer needed.

  1. Sign in to the external domain account where you are setting up Office 365.
  2. Follow the instructions for adding DNS records to your external domain.
  3. Delete any MX records that aren't part of the Office 365 setup instructions, such as the mailshare1 and smtp records.
  4. Delete any autodisc SRV records.
  5. Delete any secureserver.net TXT records.
  6. Save your changes.

It can take up to 24 hours for these changes to go into effect. Sign back in to the ITEGY-Distinctive Technology Services account where you're setting up Office 365 and see if your new email accounts are working. If not, please call Support.

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