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Add multiple website members

Website Builder's members-only pages can be seen only by people who receive a email containing a private link. You can add multiple members by importing a spreadsheet of names and email addresses. (Or you can add members one at a time.)

Note: This feature is currently only available to U.S. customers. Also, you cannot add members until after you create at least one members-only page. Members will have access to all of your site's members-only pages.

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Need help logging in?)
  2. Click Edit/Edit Site.
  3. Click the upper-right Pages panel and find an existing members-only page (look for the lock).
    from menu click manage members
  4. Click the three dots to the right of the page's name, and select Manage Members.
  5. In the new Members web page that opens, click Add Members in the upper right.
    click add members
  6. In the Import multiple tab, you have two choices:
    click browse or get example
    • Click Browse and navigate to an existing spreadsheet of names and email addresses.
    • Click Get example to download a pre-formatted spreadsheet to which you can add names and email addresses.

    Note: The spreadsheet must be formatted as a CSV (comma-separated values), XLS, or XLSXfile. Otherwise, Website Builder will not accept your uploaded file.

  7. Finally, before uploading the file, you can select Notify new members via email to send them a link to the page. (Existing members can get the link without receiving a new email.)
    select checkbox, then clickadd

    Note: Click Preview if you want see an example of the email your invited members will receive.

  8. When you're ready, click Add to upload the file. Once it's uploaded, Website Builder will show a list of email addresses that can log in and see members-only pages.
    new names appear in list

Next step

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