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Super Reseller FAQ

This article contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) about our Super Reseller plans. As a Super Reseller, you can sell our Basic and Pro Reseller plans. For more information, see the Super Reseller Getting Started Guide.

Customer limits
Up to 25 customers
Unlimited customers
White label e-commerce
Credit card processing
24/7 Support
Sales and Commission reports
Multi-currency storefront
Multi-currency cart
Buy Rates
Standard, up to 20% off retail
Industry-best, up to 40% off retail

Can I determine which products and services my Basic and Pro Resellers sell on their storefronts?

No. Your Basic and Pro Resellers determine which products and services they sell on their storefronts.

Can I sell the Basic Reseller plan for less than the wholesale price? At what price can I sell the Pro plan?

Yes. You can sell the Basic Reseller plan for anywhere between $90 and $99. Because your buy rate on the Basic Reseller plan is only $49, you can make anywhere from $41 to $50 each and every time you sell a Basic Reseller plan from your Super Reseller site! If you sell the Pro Reseller plan, you can make $80 to $100 (your buy rate is $99 and you can sell for $179 to $199).

Who determines the pricing on my Reseller storefront?

You do. You can set the pricing for products and services individually, offer special sales and promotions, even provide certain customers with discount pricing. We also have a global pricing option that lets you quickly set the pricing for all of your products at once.

Can I upgrade my Basic or Pro Reseller plan to a Super Reseller plan?

Yes! You can upgrade your Reseller plan from your Account Manager.

To Upgrade Your Reseller Plan

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Reseller, and then click Options.
  3. Click Upgrade to select the type of plan you want.
  4. Complete the checkout process.
How much money do I make when I sell a Basic or Pro reseller plan from my Super Reseller plan?

Because your buy rate is only $49 for the Basic Reseller plan and $99 for the Pro Reseller plan, you can make the difference between your retail price and the buy rate every time you sell a Basic or Pro Reseller plan from your Super Reseller site.

If I move my existing Pro Reseller plan under my Super Reseller plan, will my commissions decline?

No. Your Pro Reseller plan will continue to receive the same commission it previously received. Your Super Reseller commissions are generated from sharing in our profits, not by “diminishing” the commissions generated by your Pro Reseller Plan.

General FAQ

What else do I get with a reseller plan?
Your reseller plan includes the following extras:
• FREE ITEGY software including email marketing to use for your business
• White labeled customer support and upselling

What's your commission payment process?
We offer a wide variety of payout options for your commissions (PayPal, EFT, Check, ITEGY Good as Gold). We usually pay the commission you earn during one month at the end of the following month. For example, if you earned commission on your reseller hosting sales during January, we'll pay you at the end of February.

Can I customize my storefront?
Yes. You can use our Storefront Designer to make your storefront reflect your personal brand. We give you control over your site's domain name, site logo, color scheme, page layout and more. You can always go back and make changes as your business grows. Alternatively, you can take advantage of our WordPress plugin, which allows you to return domain search results and add products to your reseller shopping cart - all from within your fully customizable WordPress site.

Who will provide customer service to my customers?
We have a dedicated team to support your customers 24/7, by phone or email. Our award-winning team will represent your brand and take your customer service to the next level. When appropriate, they also sell products on your behalf. You also have the option to handle your own customer support, which means that ITEGY will never talk to your customers (found under Reseller Control Center > Settings > Support Options > Customer Support)

What if I need help?
We're here to help 24/7. Our award-winning support team can help you get up and going, address any technical concerns, even provide tips and tricks on how to become a reseller. It's all included free with your plan. We also have dedicated support for Reseller Owners.What if I'm not satisfied with the reseller program? We offer a money-back guarantee if you're not happy with the reseller program.