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Blogging my album photos

With Photo Album, you can send your saved photos to your blog, creating blog entries with custom titles and messages.

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Photo Album.
  3. In your Photo Album Account list, click Manage next to the account you want to modify.
  4. Click the image you want to blog, and then click Blog Photo.
  5. Enter the blog photo settings in the following fields:
    Select the blog to which you want to blog the photo. For assistance adding a blog to your list, see Adding a Blog URL to your Blog Photo List .
    (Optional) Enter a category for this blog entry. You can enter multiple categories separating each one by a comma.
    Enter a title for this blog entry.
    (Optional) Enter a message to post with this photo in the blog entry.
    Choose Layout Template
    Select a layout template for how you would like your photo and message to display in the blog.
  6. Click Blog This Photo.

Note: By default, only the primary author can use the remote blogging feature. However, additional authors can use this feature if the "Can write new entries?" permission is set in their profiles.

For assistance editing or deleting a blog in your list, see Editing Blog Settings in Your Blog Photo List .
For assistance blogging images from protected galleries, see Blogging Photos from Private or Password Protected Galleries.