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Managing Your Calendar Settings

Most of Calendar's settings are straight-forward, but some are more complicated. This article details all of the settings and provides links to use the more complicated ones.

To Access Your Settings

  1. Log in to Calendar.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click any of the following, and then make any changes you want:

Personal Settings

Personal Settings are basic information your Calendar uses.

User Information

  • First Name and Last Name — Enter the name you want to display to other users in Calendar.

Change Password

For more information, see Changing Your Calendar Password.

Calendar Settings

Calendar Settings are numerous basic functions of how you calendar displays information and interacts with events.

Set Time and Date Format

Select how you want Calendar to display time and date information.

Set Calendar Format

Select how you want Calendar to handle settings such as when days start and end, your color theme, and how long to display recently completed tasks.

Set Default Options for Invitations

Choose Calendar's default behavior when scheduling events. For more information, see Scheduling Events in Calendar.

  • Send invitations to attendees — Select when invitations are emailed to your events' attendees.
  • Notify attendees when uninvited — Select when to notify attendees that you removed their invitations.
  • Notify attendees of event updates — Select when to notify attendees of changes made to your events.
  • Default Event Duration — Select the default number of minutes, hours, or days your events last.
  • Send an event invite response when attendees — Select when to receive email notifications when attendees respond to event invitations.
  • Automatically allow attendees to invite other users — Select to let event attendees invite other users by default.

Set Default Options for Reminders

Calendar can send reminders so you don't miss important events.

  • Format — Select the default option for receiving reminders:
    • Email — Receive an email at a specified time.
    • SMS — Receive an SMS email message at a specified time. You can receive this as a text message on a mobile phone by using your phone number's email address. For more information about your phone number's email address, contact your mobile phone service provider.
    • Alert — Receive reminders in Calendar and through any third-party clients, such as Microsoft Outlook®, that get updates through your Calendar's Published URL. For more information about subscribing to your Calendar, see Importing, Exporting, and Subscribing to Calendars.
  • Send me a reminder — Set the default number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks before the event to send a reminder.
  • Send reminders to — Enter the email address to which you want to send event reminders.
  • Include event attachments with reminder emails — Select this option to receive any files attached to an event along with a reminder.

Other Settings

  • Inactivity timeout — Select the length of time before Calendar logs you out.
  • Open Each Application in a New Window — Select this option if you want your other WorkSpace applications to open in a new window when you go to that application's tab.

Holiday Settings

Holidays display as all-day events in Calendar. You can add holidays to Calendar in two ways:

  • Select pre-defined holidays from Select a holiday collection menu, and then click Add Collection.
  • From My Holidays, click Add Holiday, complete the on-screen fields, select a recurrence, and then click Save.

Note: You can customize the highlighting on your My Holidays and Holiday Collections by clicking the Settings tab, and then click Holiday Settings. In the Color drop-down menu, click to select the color you want to use, and then click Save

Manage ICS Calendars

ICS Calendars let your Calendar interact with other calendar programs. For more information, see Importing, Exporting, and Subscribing to Calendars.

Manage Attachments

Attachments let you share files with others attending events or sharing tasks with you. After adding attachments to tasks or events, you can manage them here.

For information about attaching files to events, see the Attachments section of Scheduling Events in Calendar.

To remove a file from your Calendar account, select it, and then click Delete.

Event Types

Event types help you organize your personal calendar. When scheduling an event, you can select its event type so that it displays in your calendar with the color-coding and icon you choose. For more information, see Scheduling Events in Calendar.

You can hide or display all events of a specific type by clicking the name of the event type from your Personal Calendar in the Calendars section.

To create new event types, click Add an Event Type, enter a name, selects its color and icon, and then click OK.

Manage existing event types by selecting their colors and icons.

To delete an event type, from the Delete column, click X.