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Change or delete website members

Use Website Builder's Members page to update member listings or remove members so they can no longer log in and see your website's members-only pages.

Note: This feature is currently only available to U.S. customers.

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Need help logging in?)

    Note: If you're already logged into your site, click Dashboard and skip to Step 3.
    click Dashboard

  2. Click Edit/Edit Site. (If you're using the Website Builder Online Store, click Manage Store.)
  3. Click Members in the top green bar.
    click Members in green bar
  4. In the Members window, click the listing you want to change or delete.
    click any member listing
  5. When the Edit Member window opens, you can:
    • Update the listing's information and click Save.
      after changes, click Save
    • Click Remove member, then click Remove in the confirmation window.
      click Remove member
  6. The Members window reappears with the listings reflecting your changes.

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