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About ccTLDs (Country-Code Domain Names)

Note: We've disabled .tc and .vg new registrations and transfers to us until further notice. We'll turn these services back on when we resolve our registry partner issues. Renewals and transfers away are unaffected.

Some countries or geographical regions, such as .us (United States) and .me (Montenegro), sponsor country-code top-level domain names (ccTLDs). These two-letter domain name extensions have special rules and requirements. For example, they vary widely in their registration lengths and criteria, automatic renewal dates, domain name contact changes, and even transfer procedures.

Read the respective Help article for a ccTLD extension prior to purchasing it, renewing it, backordering it, transferring it, bidding on it, changing your contact information for it, or changing its nameservers.

For more information about ccTLDs, see this article about domain name registries around the world.

Use WHOIS to see if a domain is available.

About .am Domains
About .at Domains
About .be Domains
About .br Domains
About .bz Domains
About .ca Domains
About .cc Domains
About .cn domains
About .co domains
About .co.jp domains
About .de Domains
About .es Domains
About .fm Domains
About .fr Domains
About .gs Domains
About .in Domains
About .it domains
About .jp domains
About .me Domains
About .ms Domains
About .mx Domains
About .nl Domains
About .nu domains
About .nz Domains
About .se Domains
About .so Domains
About .tc Domains
About .tk domains
About .tv Domains
About .tw Domains
About .uk domains
About .us Domains
About .vg domains
About .ws Domains