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Forward Your Domain to Work with Google Sites

If you are hosting a website with Google Sites™, you can forward a domain name registered with us to that website. Instead of entering the standard Google Sites URL to access your website, visitors can enter your domain name. That way, visitors can focus on your domain name and not on where it's hosted.

To connect your Google Site to your domain name, you can set up domain name forwarding, which requires updates in both your Google Sites account and your domain's DNS.

  1. Park your domain name on our parking nameservers before you begin the forwarding process.
  2. Edit your CNAME record and effectively tell the Web browser to open your Google Sites site when a visitor enters your domain name in the address bar.
  3. Forward your unqualified domain name — that's the domain name without the "www" prefix — to the same location as the qualified domain name, the one with the "www." This way, visitors can reach your website with or without the "www" prefix. For example, your website displays for visitors who enter www.coolexample.com or coolexample.com.
  4. Log in to your Google Site account.
  5. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Site.
  6. Click Web address, and then enter your qualified domain name. For example, enter www.coolexample.com.
  7. Select Add.

Allow up to 48 hours for your DNS changes to propagate.

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