Facbook Pixel

Point my domain's email service to Google

  1. Log in to your My Products page.
  2. If you aren't automatically directed there, make sure to select the My Products tab.
  3. Next to the domain you want to use, click DNS.
  4. On the DNS Management page, in the Records section, click the Click pencil icon on existing MX records(pencil icon), and then the Click trashcan icon to delete MX record(trashcan icon) to delete any existing MX records.
  5. At the bottom of the section, click Add and select MX from the menu. Fill out the the fields with the information from the table below. Click Save after adding each record, then Add to add a new one.
  6. Note: Be sure to include trailing dot (.) at the end of any full-qualified domain names (for example, server.example.com.) if your MX records require this format.

    HostPoints toPriority

Note: These changes can take up to seven days to reflect on the Internet.

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