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Registering a .IT domain

Who can register .it domain names?

Individual and juridical persons residing in or belonging to a EU Member State can register .it domain names. All others can use our trustee service to register a .it domain.

You can register a domain name that contains letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the hyphen (-). The domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen, and it cannot begin with "xn--". The domain name length must be between three and 63 characters in length.

To Register .it Domain Names

  1. On the ITEGY home page, in the New Domain search field, enter the domain name.
  2. Select .it from the list, click Go, and then proceed through the screens to complete the purchase.
    • If your country of origin is Italy, you must enter the Registrant Fiscal Code.
    • If your country is within the European Union, you must enter the Identity Document Number, or the numerals that display on an official form of identification.
  3. If you do not meet the residency requirements, we automatically charge you a trustee vendor fee of $19.99 per year. The trustee helps you meet the residency requirement and is a third-party vendor. If someone contacts the trustee with an issue regarding your domain name, the trustee contacts us, and then we contact you.

Note: When our trustee service is used for a .it domain registration, the trustee service will review the registration request within 24 hours of purchase. They do this to prevent trademark infringement and reduce the number of disputes or legal issues.

If the registration request is approved, the domain name will complete registration, but if the registration request is denied, the domain name will not be registered and all registration fees will be refunded.

For more detailed information on .it domains, see About .it domains