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Outlook: Add contacts

To get your Outlook contacts into your subscribers, you'll first need to export them from Outlook and then import them into your Email Marketing account.

Note: You cannot export any data, if you are using Outlook 2016 for Mac or Outlook Web App (OWA). These are known issues with Microsoft.

Export contacts from Outlook

  1. In Outlook, choose the File tab in the very top left corner of the application window.
  2. File menu in very top left of application window

  3. Click the Open & Export option. Then select Import/Export.
  4. Choose Open & Export, and then the Import/Export option.

  5. Within the wizard window, select Export to a file. Then click Next.
  6. Choose Export to a file from the wizard window.

  7. Select Comma Separated Values as the file type, and click Next.
  8. Choose Comma Separated Values.

  9. Select the Contacts folder as the folder from which to export. If you have organized your contacts into folders, you can expand the Contacts folder and choose a specific set of contacts to export. Click Next.
  10. Choose Contacts folder.

  11. Type in what you want to name your exported file, and then click Browse to choose the location for the file. Click Next.
  12. Type file name and browse to choose file save location.

  13. Be sure the correct action is checked, then click Finish.
  14. Confirm action is selected and finish.

Import contacts into Email Marketing subscribers

  1. While logged in, select the Subscribers tab at the top of your account.
  2. Click on Add Contacts to reveal the import options.
  3. From the Many at a time tab, click the Browse button. Find the CSV file you just created, and select it.
  4. Choose the list to import your contacts into:
  5. Click Add Contacts.

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