Have you ever wanted a PDF version of your Email Marketing campaign? You can create one easily.
Find the campaign you want to save as a PDF. Then, simply click on the Share button, underneath the campaign thumbnail. You'll see a Download... section at the bottom of the pop-up panel. Click on the PDF option there.
There are other ways to do this, as well. You can always use a third party service, like PDFmyURL or PDFcrowd -- or any service that you can find with a quick internet search of URL to PDF.
Simply copy the URL from the very bottom of the same Share menu. Then paste it into whichever one of those services you've chosen. Voila! File instantly saved, or emailed to you.
Most browsers also have extensions and add-ons, that let you save a full web page as a PDF or PNG file. Check out the Chrome store extensions, and Firefox add-ons for more options!