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Set online appointment payments for Square or PayPal

The Online Appointments feature doesn't require that customers pay for services in advance. However, you can do that at any time by connecting Online Appointments to one of the available payment systems. If you haven't enabled Online Appointments, see Add Online Appointments section first.

Note: This feature is available only to Business Plus or eCommerce customers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Customers in those countries can upgrade to either plan at any time.

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Need help opening yourproduct?)
  2. Click Edit/Edit Site.
  3. Click Open in the Appointments panel.
    click Open in Appointments panel
  4. In the top bar, click Settings and choose Payments.
    click payments in menu
  5. Select a payment option:
    • Select Require full payment when booking online or Require deposit when booking online and enter a deposit amount, then click Save. Once the Success confirmation appears, click Connect for a payment method you want to add.
    • Select Pay in person or send an invoice and when the Success confirmation appears, click Website in the top bar to return to your site's main window.
      Payment settings window
  6. If you already have a Square or PayPal account, log in. Otherwise, follow the prompts to create an account for either one or both.
    Sign into Square
    Sign into PayPal
  7. When the Payment Settings window reappears, you can add another payment method.
  8. When you're done, click Publish Your Site so you can begin accepting payments from the payment service(s) you've added.

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