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Add an image using Page Builder in WordPress

Chances are you are ready to add images or photos to your WordPress site.

  1. Open Page Builder in WordPress.
  2. Click Basic Modules in the right sidebar.

    Note: If the sidebar is not visible or disappears, click Add Content in the top toolbar to show it again.

  3. Click Photo, then drag and drop the photo box to a place on the page.
  4. From the Photo Settings dialog box, use the Photo Source to choose Media Library or URL. select an option
  5. If you chooseThen
    Media LibraryClick one of the Select Photo tabs to choose a photo and click Select Photo.
    select a photo
    URL.Paste a url into the Photo field.
  6. Use the remaining fields in the Photo Settings dialog box as needed.
  7. SettingDescription
    CropSelect the following image cropping options; Landscape, Panorama, Portrait, Square, Circle, or not all.
    AlignmentYou can align your image to the left, center or right of the space it resides in.
    CaptionYour image caption can be displayed On-Hover, Below the Photo, or not at all.
    LinkYou can link your image to a URL, a Lightbox, Photo File or Photo Page.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If you want to adjust the image in other ways, see Change your images using Page Builder in WordPress.
  10. Click Done located on the top-right corner.
  11. Click Publish Changes. If you do not want these changes to go live yet, click on Save the Changes and Exit option.

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