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Remove my site

If you no longer want to use a site, you can remove it from your Managed WordPress account.

Note: Removing a Managed WordPress Website with a domain on it will automatically park the domain until you use it again with another hosting product.

Warning: Removing your site permanently deletes all content from your Managed WordPress website. You should only remove your website if you are okay rebuilding your website from the beginning.
  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. In your My Products page, next to Managed WordPress, click Manage All.
  3. Choose the set of instructions for the type of hosting manager you are using.

Note: If you're not sure what type of hosting manager you are using, see What type of hosting manager am I using?.


  1. For the site you want to remove, click Settings.
  2. Go to the Remove Site tab.
  3. Click Remove, type reset to confirm, then click Remove again to finish removing the site.

My Hosting

  1. For the WordPress Website you want to remove, click Settings.
  2. Click the ellipse ( ... ) in the top-right corner to open your site options:
  3. Click Remove, type reset to confirm, then click Remove again to finish removing the site.

More info

  • If you set up your account with that domain again, it will automatically update the domain DNS to point to your Managed WordPress hosting.