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Managing the Background

InstantPage® lets you create a customized background that uses an image you select. You can easily upload an image from your computer. You can also choose a background image from a database of free images.

Uploading an Image for the Background

With InstantPage, you can upload an image to display as your website's background.

To Upload an Image for the Background

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to Choose a Background., and then click Upload Image.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. Select the file you want, and then click Open.
  5. In the Upload Background window, click Upload. The image displays in your website's background.

Cropping an Image for the Background

With InstantPage, you can crop the image you display as your website's background.

To Crop an Image for the Background

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to Choose a Background, and then mouse over the image you want to crop.
  3. Click the crop icon.
  4. Crop the image, and then click OK.

Displaying No Image for the Background

With InstantPage, you can choose not to display an image for the background, leaving it blank. You can select a background color from the Color tab.

To Display No Image for the Background

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to Choose a Background.
  3. To display no image, click No Image. The background displays without an image.

Using a Stock Image for the Background

With InstantPage, you can use a stock image for your website's background.

To Use a Stock Image for the Background

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to Choose a Background.
  3. Click Stock Background Images, select an image for your background, and then click OK. The image displays as your website's background.

Positioning an Image for the Background

With InstantPage, you have several ways to position your background image.

To Position an Image for the Background

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to Position your Background, and then select one of these options:
    • Normal — The background image displays the same size as the original.
    • Tile — The background image tiles across the page.
    • Scale — The background image displays to scale with the entire page.
    • Fit — The background image displays with its original proportions.
  3. Click a square in the positioning grid to determine the image location in relation to the rest of your page.

Applying Themes to the Background

When you select a stock image for your InstantPage, you can also select to apply a palette of colors and a layout complementing that image.

To Apply Themes

  1. Log in to your InstantPage account.You can log in by going to your InstantPage site, clicking Owner Login, and then entering the login information for your InstantPage account.
  2. From the Background tab, go to the Choose a Background section, and then click Stock Images.
  3. Select the background image you want, select to apply the matching palette and layout for the image, and then click OK.
  4. Click OK. The background image displays with the matching palette.
  5. Note: InstantPage automatically updates changes you make to your palette. We recommend you save a palette you might want to restore.