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Sharing Folders with Other Online Storage Users

Online Storage lets you share files and folders by collaborating with other Online Storage users. Collaborating lets other users view or modify contents of your shared folders, based on permissions you assign.

Sharing files and folders requires three steps:

Adding Collaborators

Before you can share folders with other Online Storage users, you must assign them as collaborators and they must accept your collaboration requests.

To Add Collaborators

  1. Log in to your Online Storage account.
  2. Click Collaborators.
  3. Click Add Collaborator, and then complete the following fields:
    • (Required field) Email — The collaborator's email address
    • First Name — The recipient's first name
    • Last Name — The recipient's last name
    • Message — A message for the recipient
  4. Click Invite.

Note: To remove all collaboration permissions for any user click Collaborators, and then click Remove from all shares. Click Yes to confirm removal, and then click OK.

Setting Up a Folder to Share

To share files, move them into a folder, and then share that folder. To share any file it must be within a shared folder.

To Set Up a Folder to Share

  1. Right-click on the folder you want to share, and then select Convert To Share.
  2. (Optional) Select the permissions for any collaborators that have accepted your request.
  3. (Optional) Click Add Collaborator to send a new user request, complete the following fields, and then click Invite.
    • Email(Required field) — The collaborator's email address
    • First Name — The recipient's first name
    • Last Name — The recipient's last name
    • Message — A message for the recipient
  4. Click Save.

Granting Permissions for Collaborators

You can set permission settings for users you collaborate with.

To Grant Permissions for Collaborators

  1. Right-click your Shared Folders, and then select Create Share. Or, right-click an existing folder, and then select Convert to Share.
  2. Select the collaborators and their levels of access, and then click Save:
    • No Access — Collaborators cannot view this folder in their shared folder.
    • Read Only — Collaborators can view but cannot make changes to the folder and its content in their shared folder.
    • Admin — Collaborators can view and modify the folder's contents in their shared folder.

Note: Once a shared folder is created you can add, modify, or remove user permissions at any time. Right-click on the shared folder, select Manage Share, select the collaborator's new permissions, and then click Save.

If you want to share folders with people who are not Online Storage users you have two options:

  • You can email links so they can download individual files.
  • You can send a collaboration request to a non-user. When the recipient accepts the request they are given the option of creating a 30 day Online Storage trial account.