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Customizing your invoice header and footer

The Invoice Header and Footer are generated when a Quick Shopping Cart invoice is sent to your customers and generally includes information such as your contact information, your domain, your business slogan, and any images you associated with your Welcome message. The Invoice Customization page lets you configure the Header (top) and Footer (bottom) of your invoices.

For more information on using images, see About Images.

To Customize Your Invoice Header and Footer

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. In the Quick Shopping Cart list, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Set Up menu, in the Design section, select Invoice.
  5. In the Invoice Customization section, use the provided default text, or enter your own message in the Header and Footer text boxes. You can also include any or all of the variables from the Variable menu.
  6. To preview your invoice, click Preview.
  7. Click Verify.
  8. If errors were detected, view the error details that display below the menu, make the corrections, and click Verify. Continue making corrections as necessary.
  9. If there are no errors, click OK to close the Congratulations! This Text is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! message.
  10. After all errors are corrected and your HTML is valid, click Save.

Note: Click Reset to remove the current message and display the default message. Resetting one does not automatically reset the other. To prevent a header or footer from displaying, delete all of the text.