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Enabling FedEx Shipping Options in Quick Shopping Cart

When offering FedEx, rates are determined by weight, with a minimum weight of 0.1 pounds. If the weight is less than the minimum, then the shipping charge is calculated using the minimum weight.

To Enable FedEx Shipping

  1. Log in to your Quick Shopping Cart account.
  2. From the Set Up menu, go to Operations, and then select Shipping.
  3. Click Set Up for the FedEx option.
  4. Accept the license agreement by selecting I agree to the terms and conditions at the bottom of the agreement, and then click Next.
  5. Enter your contact information, and then click OK.
  6. On the Configure Shipping for FedEx page, specify your shipping options. See Providing Shipping Options for explanations on the rate methods and shipping boxes.

    Note: If you select to ship multiple products in the same package, you must configure the maximum weight and size you can use. Items are packed automatically based on declared item volume and declared box volume. Items exceeding max box weight or size ship separately. For more information about 'Dimensional Weight,' see the FedEx Dimensional Weight document.

  7. In the Shipping Rules section, enter the following information:
    • Domestic Handling Fee — Enter a handling fee specific to domestic shipments, or enter 0.00 to charge no handling fee.
    • International Handling Fee — Enter a handling fee specific to international shipments, or enter 0.00 to charge no handling fee.
    • Dropoff Type — Select an option for dropping off packages.
    • Shipper's Postal Code — Enter your postal code.
    • Primary Customer — Select the primary customer.
    • Rate Method — Select an option for packaging your products.
  8. Click OK.

To update your site with these changes, you need to publish it. For more information, see How to publish .