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Listing as Fixed-Price Auctions

You can list your item in one of two auction categories: online or fixed-price. Online auctions let shoppers compete for your item through bidding. Fixed-price auctions let you set the price for selling one or more items - these sell instantly. Fixed-priced auctions are subject to eligibility requirements.

In Quick Shopping Cart, you can only list fixed-price auctions if you have a feedback rating of 10 or above.

  • With a quantity of one, you must have a feedback rating of 10 or more.
  • With a quantity of two or more, you must have a feedback rating of 30 or more, and be a registered user for at least 14 days.

Note: Quick Shopping Cart does not support the same listing requirements as eBay. For reference, criteria accepted by eBay are:
With a quantity of one, eBay requires that you be ID Verified, or have a feedback rating of 10. However, if you accept PayPal, your feedback rating can be 5 or more.
With a quantity of two or more, eBay requires that your be ID Verified, or have a feedback rating of 30, and be a registered user for at least 14 days. However, if you accept PayPal, your feedback rating can be 15 or more.