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What fields are required for the Import Products spreadsheet?

Using the provided Excel spreadsheet template, you can add, modify, and delete products in your product catalog on your Quick Shopping Cart site. You cannot use another Excel spreadsheet or file format to upload products. The required fields are:

  • Action
  • Part Number (SKU)
  • Title
  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • List Price

To Download the Excel Spreadsheet Template

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. Next to the account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. From the Manage menu, in the Catalog section, click Updates & Exports.
  5. Click Export, and then specify where you want to download the file.

    Note: If you want to modify category information in Quick Shopping Cart, you should modify it after you finish importing your data.

To Edit the Excel Spreadsheet Template

  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet you downloaded.
  2. Modify any details of the products you would like to update. You can also add new products or remove existing products.

    Note: You cannot add products that already exist, and you cannot modify or delete a product that does not exist.

    Select whether you want to Add, Modify, or Delete a product.
    Part Number
    Specify the product's part number. This number must be unique from all products.
    Manufacturer Name
    Select the name of the product's manufacturer. The listed manufacturers are the ones you set up in your catalog.
    Specify the product's title.
    Short Description
    Enter a short description of the product.
    Long Description
    Enter a longer, more detailed description of the product.
    Select the Category with which you want to associate the product. The listed categories are the ones you set up in your catalog.

    Note: When modifying a product, you cannot change the Category associated with it.

    Enter the amount the product cost you to purchase.
    List Price
    Specify the amount you are charging for the product.
    Specify whether or not you charge shipping for the product.
    Enter the product's weight.
    Enter the product's length.
    Specify the product's width.
    Specify the product's height.
    Specify whether or not you want to feature this product on your category pages.
    Specify whether or not the product has been discontinued. If you discontinue a product, it no longer displays on your storefront.
    Specify whether or not you are tracking the inventory for this product.
    Allow Backorder
    Specify whether or not you allow customers to backorder this product when the inventory runs out.
    Inventory Quantity
    If you selected to track your inventory for this product, specify the current number of items you have in stock.
    Inventory Threshold
    If you selected to track your inventory for this product, specify the threshold at which you want to receive an email notification telling you the inventory is low.
    Ships In Own Package
    Specify whether or not the product ships in its own package.
  3. Click Save.

To Import the Excel Spreadsheet Template into Quick Shopping Cart

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. Next to the account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. From the Manage menu, in the Catalog section, click Import/Export.
  5. In the Upload Products window, click Browse to locate and open the file.
  6. Click Upload Products.

You must publish your site for the storefront to reflect your changes.