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What Are Search Engine Optimization Tags?

Several tags are considered important to successful search engine optimization. You can use the Search Engine Visibility Keywords and Optimize Tags tools to create the best tags for your website's content.

Title tag
The Title tag defines a Web page's name, which displays in the top bar of a Web browser. The Title tag should provide keywords that represent the theme of the actual contents on the Web page. The Title tag in Search Engine Visibility is limited to 65 characters.
Description tag
The Description tag defines the site information most search engines will display when they list the site on their search results pages. The description should include as many site keywords as possible, but the main purpose of the Description tag is to convince search engine users to select your site from the search results pages and take a look inside. Generally, the Description tag should not exceed 155 characters, including spaces.
Rich Snippets
Rich snippets are a standardized way of marking up on page content. Rich snippets tell the search engines more about your website and what content you have on your pages. When the search engines return a list of relevant results, your rich snippet information displays and gives a preview of what they can expect to see on your site.
H1 Tag
The H1 tag describes what the Web page is about. The H1 — or header — should include relevant Search Engine Visibility V1-generated keywords. But, don't make it too long. Your H1 tag shouldn't be longer than a short sentence.
Image Tag
The image tag should include alt (alternate), title, and src (source) attributes. Search engines use the text in image attributes to categorize the images on your site, so they should contain relevant keywords.