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Request an SSL certificate (Standard Assurance)

After you purchase an SSL certificate, and activate the SSL credit, you need to request it for the website's domain name (or "common name") you want to secure with the SSL.

The way you request your certificate is dependent on your situation:

SituationFollow these steps
My website is the primary domain on a ITEGY hosting account.Use the SSL Wizard to request your certificate for automatic installation.
My website is a secondary domain hosted on a ITEGY hosting account or is hosted with another company and I have not generated a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).Use the SSL Wizard to create a CSR and Private key that you can download for later use, and request your certificate with these files.
I have a CSR and just need to request my SSL certificate (advanced users).Request a certificate with a CSR that has already been created.

Use the SSL wizard to request your certificate (back to top)

  1. Login to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Needhelp opening your product?)
  2. On the Certificate Setup page, click Choose a Domain.
  3. Start typing your domain name. If your domain name is the main domain on a hosting account with ITEGY, it will be under a list called Web Hosting. Click on the domain name, and then Continue.
    Choose a domain
  4. That's it! Your next step is to prove you have control of the domain name.

Use the SSL Wizard to create a CSR and Private Key, and then request your certificate (back to top)

  1. Login to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Needhelp opening your product?)
  2. On the Certificate Setup page, click Choose a Domain, type in your domain name and click Continue.
  3. Your certificate signing request(CSR) and Private Key will appear below your domain name. Click Save File below both sections to download both your CSR and Private Key.
    Save CSR and Private Key
  4. That's it! Your next step is to prove you have control of the domain name.

Request your certificate with a CSR that has already been created (back to top)

  1. Login to your ITEGY account and open your product. (Needhelp opening your product?)
  2. On the Certificate Setup page, click Input a CSR.
  3. Paste your entire CSR into the box, and click Continue.
    Save CSR and Private Key
  4. That's it! Your next step is to prove you have control of the domain name.