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Verify my certificate request (Standard Assurance)

After you request a Standard Assurance SSL certificate, you need to verify that you control all domain names listed in your request.

If your SSL cerificate is in the same ITEGY account as the domains listed on the request, you don’t need to prove that you control the domain - we do that for you. If your SSL certificate is in a different account than the domain(s) on the request, choose one of these methods to prove you control the domain(s):

  • We’ll send a verification link to a list of email addresses on the domain(s). The email address must be one of the following: admin@, administrator@, hostmaster@, postmaster@, or webmaster@. If you don’t have one of these set up already, create one and we’ll send you that link within 24 hours. Clicking the link proves you have domain control.
  • If your SSL certificate is not in the same account as your domain(s) and you cannot set up an email address on the domain(s), you need to verify you control the domain name(s) via DNS or HTML. For information on that process, see Verify domain ownership (HTML or DNS) .

After you complete one of the domain control proof options, your certificate will be issued within 1 business day. Keep in mind that manual verification processes are dependent on you completing the task, and the certificate will not be issued until you prove that you have control of the domain name(s).

Need help?

If you're looking for help understanding how to complete the domain control options, contact customer support.

Next step

After we verify you have control of the domain name(s) and issue your SSL certificate, your next step depends on where you're using the certificate:

LocationNext step
Primary domain name on a ITEGY productWe'll finish the SSL installation for you as long as the SSL is on the primary domain of the hosting product. You may need to redirect your site traffic from HTTP to HTTPS.
Secondary/Addon domain name on a cPanel hosting accountDownload your SSL certificate and manually install the certificate on your cPanel account
VPS, Dedicated Servers, and other hosting providersDownload my SSL certificate files

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