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Add bandwidth

Bandwidth is a measurement of the amount of data allowed to pass between a user's website and the rest of the Internet.

You can add bandwidth to your server plan as a recurring billing service.

  1. Log in to yourAccount Manager.
  2. Click Servers.
  3. Next to the server you want to use, click Options.
  4. Go to the Customize tab.
  5. From the Add Bandwidth menu, select the amount of bandwidth you want to add, and then click Add to Cart.
  6. Click Checkout, and then complete the checkout process.

Additional bandwidth is available for Windows and Linux Virtual Private/Dedicated Servers. The installation process is automated and can take up to 30 minutes. No downtime is required.

See Review your bandwidth usage for the instruction necessary to view your server's bandwidth usage.

Note: If you exceed your bandwidth allotment, you will be subjected to bandwidth overage charges.

Bandwidth Overage Protection shields you from bandwidth overage charges by automatically suspending your account when its allotted bandwidth is exceeded. Reinstatement occurs at the start of your next billing cycle or when additional bandwidth is purchased.

For more information, see Adding Bandwidth-Overage Protection to Your Server.