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Request additional IP addresses

You can request up to 2 additional IP addresses for your server (for a total of 3: the first assigned when your set up your server, and the 2 additional IPs).

Note: It can take up to an hour for us to assign and display the new IP address.

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Servers.
  3. Next to the server you want to use, click Manage.
  4. In the Account Summary section, next to Server IP Address, click Request Additional IP.
  5. Click OK.

Can my server have more than 3 IPs?

We only issue IP addresses beyond the third on a limited basis — in accordance with ARIN regulations, each IP on a server must have a business justification, such as an SSL certificate. Due to these regulations, we can only allocate additional IPs if all of your current IPs (except one) have a business justification. To request IPs beyond the third, please have a list of your all your existing IP addresses and their corresponding uses, then list the justification for each new IP you wish to request before contact customer support to request additional IP addresses.