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Adding Bandwidth to Your Account

Bandwidth is a measurement of the amount of data allowed to pass between a user's website and the rest of the Internet.

In general, if you have a commercial site or a site that generates a lot of traffic, you should consider getting additional bandwidth. If you have a basic, personal site that you have set up for friends and family, you probably do not need to order additional bandwidth.

Note: Accounts with unlimited bandwidth cannot add bandwidth.

To Add More Bandwidth to Your Hosting Account

  1. Log in to your ITEGY account.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Click Options next to the domain name you want to use.
  4. Go to the Customize tab.
  5. From the Add Bandwidth area, select the amount of Additional Recurring Bandwidth or Prepaid Temporary Bandwidth you want to add to your hosting account.
  6. Click Checkout, and then complete your purchase.