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Storing large files or file collections (resource overusage)

Your hosting account can overuse resources if you are hosting a file repository or large collection of files.

Is this an issue for me?

Here are some common indicators of excessive disk space usage:

  • Hosting a file repository
  • Hosting a misconfigured caching plugin that creates a large amount of invalid files
  • Storing automatic backups of your website on your hosting account
  • Automatically generating large files or collections of files, such as security camera videos

How can I correct this issue?

You can try to correct file usage issues by following any and all of these steps:

  • Remove content that you do not need.
  • Remove any automatic backup plugins that store backups on the hosting.
  • Move file respository content to a dedicated file hosting service.
  • Migrate to a VPS or dedicated server if the above steps are not an option.

Next steps

If you are still experiencing issues with resource usage, review your hosting for other possible causes at Common causes for resource overusage (Linux).

Note: You will want to make sure that you are correcting the underlying cause to any resource issue. Simply removing sites and/or files without correcting the underlying issue can cause the problem to recur.