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What does my database restore error mean?

While attempting to restore a database back-up file, there are a variety of errors that could occur. This list provides a further definition of common errors.

Backup is Missing
The system cannot locate the database back-up file for this install. All back-up database files are placed in the _db_backups folder on the root level of your hosting account. Restored files are pulled from this folder. Ensure the file you want to restore exists in the correct directory. For additional information about locating your back-up file, see Where are database back-up files saved?
Database Removed
A request to remove the database associated with this install occurred before the restore process could begin. If you feel this message was received in error, immediately contact our Customer Support Center.
Server Error
A general server error occurred. You should attempt the restore again. If the error persists, contact our Customer Support Center.
Database Server Error
The Database Server generated an error. The details of the error are recorded in an error log. You should attempt the restore again. If the error persists, contact our Customer Support Center. For additional information about database server errors, see Accessing Your Database Restore Error Logs.
Validation Failed
An error occurred during the file validation check, and the validation did not complete. This check attempts to validate the file to ensure it originated from our back-up process. This requirement only applies to SQL Server restores. If you are attempting to restore a SQL Server back-up file, ensure the file was created using our system's back-up process. You should attempt the restore again. If the error persists, contact our Customer Support Center. For additional information about restoring .bak files, see Limitations to Restoring .bak Files.

If you need additional assistance, contact our Customer Support Center.