Facbook Pixel

Delete image

You can delete images from your website pages, as well as remove them from your list of previously used images.

  1. Log in to your Website Builder account.
  2. Click Edit Site.
  3. Click the page menu to choose a page where you want to delete an image.
    click the delete button.
  4. Click the image you want to delete from a page, then click the trash can in the image tool bar.
    click trash can or delete button in image toolbar.

    Note: You cannot delete multiple images at once, they need to be deleted individually.

  5. When you're done making changes, click Publish to update your site online.

    Note: Previously used photos appear in your My Photos list. To remove a photo from that list, click an image and then click the trash can in the photos upper left.
    In the My Photos list, click the trash can in a photo thumbnail.

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