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Updating your DNS settings to improve site performance

If you have Website Builder 7 with ITEGY but your domain name is registered with a company other than ITEGY you can optimize your site performance by changing your DNS settings.

  1. Log into your external domain provider's website and find where to change that domain's A record. (If you have any trouble, contact that domain provider for support.)
  2. Update the external domain's A record by entering the appropriate IP address below based on the area closest to your location.
    Use Nearest Server LocationEnter IP address
    U.S. East Coast198.71.232.4
    U.S. West Coast72.167.191.79

    Note: If you're switching to an external (non-ITEGY) domain, it can take up to 72 hours to take effect. It might take less time, so feel free to check occasionally by re-clicking View Site.

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