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Customizing Google Sitemap Settings

Note: This article is for Website Builder version 6. Your version displays at the top of the screen when you log in to your Website Builder account. Not using version 6? Search for Website Builder version 7 articles.

Website Builder allows you to customize a sitemap of your website. Sitemaps created with Website Builder let Google know how often your site is updated, and how to look at your site. There are two sitemap settings you can customize:


Change Frequency tells Google how often you update a particular page. This is especially helpful if you update your Web page frequently.


Google sitemaps allow you to prioritize your Web pages. You prioritize pages relative to their importance WITHIN your site. This does not affect your search engine rankings. It tells search engines that certain pages on your site are more important than others. For instance, you may want to call more attention to a home page, or a sales page. 0.0 is the lowest priority, 0.5 is the middle priority, and 1.0 is the highest priority. Assigning all of your pages a priority of 1.0 will not help your ranking.

  1. Log in to your Website Builder account.
  2. If you are working in the Page Designer, click Exit Designer.
  3. From the Manage menu, select Google Sitemap.
  4. Select a Change Frequency and Priority for the pages you want to customize.
  5. Click OK.