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Clarifying File Repository Violations

As we continue to strive for optimal website performance and availability for all of our customers, it is important to understand the difference between website hosting and file hosting services.

While file hosting services are designed to host large individual files or collections of files, shared Web hosting is designed and optimized to serve website pages as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Therefore, the storing of large individual files or large collections of files is not compatible with the shared Web hosting environment, as doing so leads to various issues which impact server performance and availability. Even if the files are linked on your websites or otherwise "in use" on your hosting account, they can negatively impact our systems and, in turn, all customer websites which rely on them.

Examples of incompatible file archives can include:

  • Audio Files/Podcasts
  • Backups (local PC, server, websites, etc.)
  • Development/Staging Environments
  • Electronic Invoices/Documents
  • High-Resolution Images
  • Map Vector Data
  • Video Files/Movies
  • Any large individual files or collections of files

If you require such content to be available online, please let us know, so we can be of additional assistance to you in that regard. Alternatively, you might want to consider one of the various file hosting services available online for this usage. As we are unable to provide any specific recommendations in that regard, we would respectfully suggest further research through your favorite Internet search engine, if necessary, using terms such as online file storage.