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Add an image to a post or page in WordPress

When adding an image to your WordPress posts and pages, you can select from a previously uploaded image, or upload the image at same time you add it to your page.

  1. Log in to WordPress.
  2. Click Posts or Pages in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click Edit under the Page or Post where you want to add an image.
  4. Within the text editor window, click where you want to add the image.
  5. Click the Add Media button.

    Note: If you have already added the image to your media library, then you can click the Media Library tab and skip to the last step.

  6. Click the Select Files button.
  7. Locate and select the image on your local computer.
  8. Click Open to add the image to your Media Library.
  9. Confirm the correct image is selected, and click Insert.

After publishing your page or post the new image will be visible on your site.

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