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Install WordPress manually

If you do not want to install WordPress using your control panel's quick installer, then you can install a new copy of WordPress manually.

  1. Download the .zip from the WordPress Release Archive.
  2. Connect to your hosting with FTP.
  3. Navigate to the folder where you want to install WordPress.
  4. Upload the .zip file.
  5. Unzip the file. (Web & Classic/ cPanel / Plesk)

    Note: If you don't have a way to unzip the file on your hosting account, you'll need to unzip the file on your local computer, and then upload the unzipped files.

  6. Create a MySQL database and user. (Web & Classic / cPanel / Plesk / Linux Servers)
  7. From your browser, navigate to the domain and folder where you unzipped the files.

    Note: Example: exampledomain.com/wordpress

  8. Select your preferred language, and click Continue.
  9. Make note of the required database details, and then click Let's Go.
  10. Enter the details for the MySQL database you created earlier, then click Submit.

    Note: You can find your database's hostname if you do not know it.

  11. Click, Run the install.
  12. Complete the form by entering the following information, and then click Install WordPress
    • Site Title is your WordPress site's title.
    • Username is used to access the WordPress Dashboard.
    • Password is used to access the WordPress Dashboard along with the Username.
    • Your email is where you will receive any notifications you configure for your site.
  13. After receiving confirmation of a successful install, click Log In.

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