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Verify WordPress is up-to-date

Verify WordPress is up-to-dateMake the WordPress version private
Block PHP in directoriesRemove WordPress readme file

One of the best ways to ensure you have a secure site is by keeping WordPress up-to-date. The following steps will help you keep your site running the latest version of WordPress.

  1. You should always backup your site before making any changes.
  2. Log in to WordPress.
  3. Go to Sucuri Security > Settings.
  4. Click on the Hardening tab.
  5. Find the section labled Verify WordPress Version.
  6. If the section is red, click on the Apply Hardening button.

If the section turns green, the plugin will now keep your site running the latest version of WordPress. If the section is still red, this feature is not compatible with your hosting as it may already do automatic updates.

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