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Results of Cloud Hosting : 439

How many websites can I host with one shared hosting account?

Depending on the kind of hosting account you have, you can either host multiple, separate websites or you can use subdomains on your primary domain name. For more

Disabling APC on Your Hosting Account

If you want to disable Alternative PHP Cache (APC), you can do so by modifying your PHP initialization file file.

Upgrading a MySQL or MSSQL Database

To upgrade your database version, you need to back up the existing database and then restore it to a new database. These steps can all be completed in the Hosting Control

What is Website Accelerator?

Website Accelerator was a content delivery network (CDN) we offered to improve shared hosting customers' site performance. However, we no longer offer Website Accelerator to

Change a secondary domain's root folder

If you have either a Deluxe, Premium, Unlimited, or Ultimate hosting account, you can add secondary domain names to your hosting account. Secondary domains have websites that

Access my Linux server's firewall console

If your Linux server has a firewall, you can access it through your server's Hosting Control Center.

Resolving Joomla! Navigation/Linking Errors

If you manually install Joomla!™ on your hosting account, or make changes to the SEO Settings in the application, you might receive the following error when clicking links on

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS automatically

Once you install an SSL certificate on your website, you need to redirect your visitors to the secured (HTTPS) version of your site. Choose the hosting scenario for your

Get started with Windows hosting

If you're new to Windows hosting with Plesk, follow these basic steps to get started.

MS SQL Server admin tool login information

Our hosting accounts have an admin tool built in to help you manage MS SQL databases.

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