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Results of Email Autorespond : 584

Setting up email notices

Email notices let you receive email messages when certain events occur in your Quick Shopping Cart storefront. By default, all notices are sent to the email address entered

Email account limitations

The following limitations apply to Workspace Email accounts:

Editing Your Contact Information

You initially enter your contact information the first time you launch Website Builder. You can edit your contact information at any time. When you edit your email address,

Change your email account plan

You can upgrade or downgrade your Workspace Email account.

Emailing photos

You can use Photo Album to email photos to your friends and family. When you share photos you added to public galleries, your emails display links back to those galleries. If

Change your email forwarding account

You can edit the address that your email forwarding account sends email to. Here's how:

Upload my album using email or a mobile device

The ability to upload using email or a mobile device is no longer supported. However, you can still add images using the Basic Uploading Tool or the Advanced Uploading Tool.

Viewing my album's email address

You can email photos to the address listed in the Email address field on your Upload via Email tab.

Set up my email on iPhone or iPad

Set up your Workspace Email account on your iPhone or iPad mail app. Then you can send and receive business emails from your phone. Alternatively, you can add your Workspace

Set email forwarding for domains with privacy

Private Registration creates a unique email address for each domain, and you can choose how you want to receive your emails.

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