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Results of Email Autorespond : 584

Checking your cPanel webmail

After adding email accounts, you can check them through cPanel's built-in webmail clients (Roundcube, Squirrel Mail, and Horde Mail) by going to the following:

Configuring mail clients with cPanel email

After adding email accounts, you can use cPanel's tools to configure your email client to access the account.

Setting cPanel Email Default Addresses

cPanel email's Default Addresses are also known as "catch-alls." With a Default Address enabled, cPanel routes any email sent to addresses at your domain name that do not

Do your cPanel shared hosting accounts support email authentication?

We have disabled both of cPanel's built-in email authentication tools: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Sender Policy Framework (SPF).

Accessing cPanel Email Forwarders

cPanel email offers two options for email forwarding:

Importing Email Accounts/Forwarders into cPanel

You can import a set of email accounts or forwarders into cPanel, creating addresses in bulk.

Set up cPanel email accounts

cPanel lets you create email addresses at the domains hosted on your account.

Open cPanel Hosting

Logging in to cPanel lets you control your hosting account, letting you upload files, create email accounts, among other things.

My Email Stopped Working after Setting up My Hosting

If your email stopped working when you set up your cPanel shared hosting account, this article has details about what happened and how to fix it. If you're just interested in

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