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Results of Hosting WordPress : 700

Find your bandwidth limit and usage

Your hosting account uses bandwidth when it sends or receives data with the rest of the Internet. For example, if your hosting account contains a 1MB picture, and 2,000

Managing Your Hosting Account's Databases

Using our hosting accounts, you can delete or edit databases you create.

Fixing Permalink Issues with WordPress

If you have a problem with your WordPress® installation's Permalinks, you can potentially fix the issue by enabling a different Permalink setting, and then enabling your

Recycle your application pool (Windows)

If you have a Windows hosting, you can recycle your account's application pool.

Disabling HTTP Compression with Your Windows Web Hosting Account

Our Windows Web Hosting accounts use HTTP compression to improve your website's performance. HTTP compression sends a compressed version of your site to visitors' Web

Which mod_pagespeed functions do you support?

Our Linux-based Web Hosting accounts can use mod_pagespeed, which is an open-source module that optimizes Web pages and their resources for better performance. For more

Set directory permissions (Windows)

You can set different directory permissions for each of the directories in your Windows® Hosting account, besides the root directory. This lets you control who can access

Changing Your WordPress Domain Name

If you want to change your WordPress® site's domain name, you can use your WordPress control panel. However, you must also move your WordPress site's files to the proper

Activating and deactivating plugins in WordPress

WordPress offers a large number of plugins to add functionality to your site. They range from anti-spam comment filters to helping you build a small-scale social network.

Do your hosting accounts support active or passive FTP?

Our hosting accounts only support passive FTP. For this reason you need to make sure that the application you are connecting with supports passive FTP, and that it is

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