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Results of Hosting WordPress : 700

Import or export WordPress database

In WordPress, there are situations such as restores, backups, and migrations where you may want to import or export your MySQL database.

Change PHP Settings

If the default settings for your hosting account do not meet the requirements of your website or application, you can follow these steps to change your PHP settings.

What is my database host name in Plesk hosting?

Database-driven applications, such as WordPress, use your database host name to connect to it.

Find your website's nameservers in Plesk hosting

To make your website visible on the Internet, you need to point your domain name to your hosting account using nameservers. For more information, see What is DNS?

Find your FTP login/username for Plesk hosting

To upload content to your website, you need your FTP username and password. This article shows you how to find your username; if you need help with your password, see Reset

Manage DNS in cPanel hosting

If you need to change your hosted domain's DNS, you can access our DNS manager through your hosting account.

Unzip files in cPanel hosting

You can unzip any .zip files on your hosting account.

Create files in cPanel hosting

You can create new files on your hosting account that use any extension.

Compress files in cPanel hosting

You can compress multiple files together to create a single file. This is also known as "zipping" or "archiving" files.

End PHP processes

On Linux® hosting accounts, you can view and end certain types of connections to your account. You can use this to manage runaway scripts or get your account's PHP

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