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Results of ITEGY Support Solutions : 270

Accessing email on my mobile phone

There are lots of options for accessing your ITEGY Workspace Email from your mobile phone. Pick one below for full set up instructions.

Migrating Windows Classic accounts: FrontPage & Access end of support

Over the coming weeks, we're migrating customers using IIS 6-based Windows Classic hosting accounts to new servers. If you use Microsoft FrontPage® or Access® databases, your

Back up my databases

You should always keep backups of your database — there's no other way to prepare for the unexpected. ITEGY gives you two options for backups:

ITEGY upgrading databases to MS SQL 2012

We're migrating Web & Classic shared hosting customers using MS SQL databases to a newer version MS SQL — 2012. This can impact your account in two ways:

Disabling SSL 3.0 Support on Your Server (POODLE Configuration)

Due to a critical security vulnerability with SSL 3.0 (an 18-year-old, outdated technology), we recommend disabling it on your server. We have instructions on how to do that

Unsupported operating systems (GLIBC DNS vulnerability)

There are some versions of Linux that no longer receive support or patches from their providers. This includes the ability to patch glibc, and therefore protect your server

About .PIZZA Domain Names

The .pizza domain name has finally arrived to satisfy everyone's craving! A .pizza domain will finally do justice to support the iconic food and its many incarnations across

Adding attachments to campaigns

Email Marketing does not support traditional email attachments, but you can still share files with your recipients.

Triggers addon

Using the ITEGY Email Marketing Date Triggers feature, you can send out emails to your subscribers, based on a calendar date in their contact details. This is a great way to

Facebook: add a signup form

Learn how to add a ITEGY Email Marketing signup form to your business Facebook page.

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