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Results of Network Security : 113

Securing WordPress Admin in Linux

You can add an extra layer of security by requiring an additional password before users are allowed to access your wp-admin folder. This can prevent attacks that attempt to

Performing Telnet Tests for Outgoing Email on Windows

If you have problems sending email from your email client, your ISP or network might have issues connecting to our outgoing server. To test this, you can perform a telnet

Enable two-step verification

You can increase your account's security by using two-step verification. When you enable verification, every time you perform a high-risk task (like changing your username)

Blacklisted passwords

We take security very seriously, so we enforce password requirements to protect accounts. Your password may not contain the following:

Sharing Your Store on Social Media Networks

Quick Shopping Cart® lets you share your store on social media networks such as Facebook®, and Twitter®. First, you must enable sharing for your account. For more

Enabling Social Media Sharing

With Website Builder, visitors can share your site on social networks such as Facebook®, Twitter®, MySpace®, Delicious®, and StumbleUpon®. Visitors simply click buttons that

Securing WHMCS Installations

There are additional precautions you can take to secure your installation of WHMCS. While we recommend additional layers of security to protect your server and website, we

Transferring Away from Network Solutions

Before you can transfer your domain name registered with Network Solutions to us, you need to prepare your domain name so it will successfully complete the transfer process.

What is Website Accelerator?

Website Accelerator was a content delivery network (CDN) we offered to improve shared hosting customers' site performance. However, we no longer offer Website Accelerator to

Enabling Website Accelerator Developer Mode

Website Accelerator uses a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up website response time and improve performance. For more information, see What is Website Accelerator?

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