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Results of What is Shared Hosting : 2192

Why isn't my Python script working?

Check that your Python script is in the "unix text file format." If it is in a "DOS/Windows text file format," Python will not interpret it correctly.

How often do you empty the /tmp folder on your Linux hosting servers?

All "temp" files created in the /tmp directory on our Linux servers will be deleted if they have not been accessed for 168 hours (7 days).

Set up your server

You already purchased a server — now you need to set it up, which includes the administrative stuff like your username and password.

Install WordPress on a Web or Classic Hosting Account

WordPress® is a personal publishing platform, or content management system, that you can use to set up a blog on your website.

Becoming a Domain Name Account Administrator

To manage another account's domain names, you must be an assigned Account Administrator and have an account with us. The process begins with the owner of the domain name. See

View Appraisals

You can find out the estimated value of any domain name using the ITEGY Domain Appraisals tool. You can use these results to buy, sell, renew, and protect a domain.

Changing Your Session Timeout on Windows Virtual Private Servers

You can change the length of time your Windows Virtual Private Server (VPS) waits before timing out your session. This lets you close your Remote Desktop Connection without

What is the default session time-out on my Windows Virtual Private Server?

Your Windows Virtual Private Server (VPS) times out after 5 minutes if Remote Desktop is shut down without logging off, or after 15 minutes if there is no activity.

Which countries are currently supported for certificate issuance?

Our SSL certificates can be issued to individuals and companies worldwide with the following restrictions.

Setting up ASP.NET Community Server on Your Web Site

ASP.NET Community Server is an application that makes it easy for you to build a user forum, blog, or photo gallery on your website. We offer ASP.NET Community Server as a

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