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Results of What is Shared Hosting : 2192

Installing ionCube (Web & Classic Hosting)

ionCube lets you protect your website's PHP code from being viewed and ran on unlicensed computers. If you'd like to use it, you can install it on your shared hosting account.

Which components does my hosting support?

Some websites need particular components to function correctly. Check this list to make sure your hosting has what you need. If you need more information about your hosting

Organizing Favorites

You can create a favorites list of the most accessed pages in your Quick Shopping Cart® Administration area to help you streamline your navigation. We've made it easy for you

Why do you require a 2048-bit key for my CSR?

Due to the increasing computing power available to decrypt SSL certificates, the Certificate Authority Browser (CAB) Forum (the entity that establishes SSL industry

Publishing and Subscribing to Your Calendar

Publishing and subscribing to your Calendar lets you view it with numerous programs, including mobile devices, to help organize your schedule. There are just a couple quick

Changing Your Quick Shopping Cart Domain Name

You can change the domain name associated with your Quick Shopping Cart® to another existing domain name, a subdomain, or to a domain name not registered in this account.

Moving Between Hosting Accounts

You can migrate between hosting accounts in our system manually. However, due to its complexity, you might not be able to migrate your site in one sitting. Though it might

What are Managed Backups?

Making sure your data is backed up is an important part of running a successful Web site. We offer a service called Managed Backups to handle this task for you.To help you

What is push email?

Push email automatically sends new data to an email client or mobile device. This includes email, calendar, and contact updates.

Cancel my domain transfer-in

You can cancel incoming domain transfers in the Domain Manager. Incoming transfers occur when you transfer a domain name from another registrar to your account with us.

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