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Results of What our IT Consultant Does : 3067

What is a trusted site in Internet Explorer?

A trusted site is a website that you trust not to damage your computer.

What is a catch-all email account?

A catch-all email account is an address that is specified to receive all messages that are addressed to an incorrect email address for a domain. For example, you have three

What do I do with my domain once it's been registered?

Besides setting up a website, there are a number of things you can do with your domain name once you register it.

Who is listed as a domain name's registrant?

A public domain name registration with us lists registrant and other domain name contact information on the Whois database exactly as it appears in your account with us. This

What if I misspelled my domain name when I registered it?

Unfortunately, we are unable to change or edit the spelling of a domain name after you register it. We register the domain name exactly as you enter it. When the registration

Premium DNS features

Premium DNS (Domain Name System) offers more power and flexibility than the standard DNS functions.

What are top-level domains (TLD) and country code top-level domains (ccTLD)?

A top-level domain (TLD) is the part of the domain name located to the right of the dot (" . "). The most common TLDs are .com, .net, and .org. Some others are .biz, .info,

What are second-level domains (SLD) and country code second level domains (ccSLD)?

A second-level domain (SLD) is the portion of the domain name that is located immediately to the left of the dot and domain name extension. Example 1: The SLD in

Unpark (activate) my domain

Once you determine which hosting provider to use, you must change the nameserver information on your account to unpark, or activate, your domain name.

How do I retrieve my email messages if I manage my DNS elsewhere?

If you have your email with us, you can can check it through your Web browser by going to http://email.secureserver.net. Log in using your email address and password.

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