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If you have a compressed file, you can extract it after uploading it to your hosting account. Which types of compressed files you can extract depends on your hosting
If you're here, we're assuming you've been notified of a critical security issue with Drupal, which has been called Drupalgeddon (or Drupageddon). Drupal's issued an
Our Plesk shared hosting accounts handle the following software engineering features differently than our free Windows hosting accounts:
Famous Four Media is the sponsor and Neustar is the backend provider for the .loan extension. Registration periodstable {border-collapse: collapse; color: #333; margin:
The navy has a lengthy and prestigious history in water navigation, migration, trade and military operations. The .navy domain name can be used by anyone who identifies with
If you no longer need them, you can delete databases from your account.
No one wants to be responsible for ruining everyone else's good time. No one wants to be taken advantage of, either. By taking extra care to secure and protect you can make
SSH is a secure method of connecting to your hosting account to upload files, move files, and execute commands. Customers using paid Linux shared hosting accounts can enable