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Results of get the Advantages of PABX : 2721

Add contacts to a new list

While importing contacts to your subscribers, you can create an entirely new list for those contacts. You can create this new list after you've opened the Add contacts

Optimize images in WordPress

Optimizing your images reduces the size of the images with minimal or no impact to the quality. That way your visitors get a site that looks good, but loads fast. You

Evaluate site performance with Pingdom

You can use Pingdom Tools to review the performance of your website.

Edit common PHP settings in my Plesk hosting account

You can customize your Plesk hosting account via the common PHP settings in the Plesk admin section of your account. Custom php settings allow to control variables such as

Setting up an Autoresponder

Click the Addons menu, at the top of your page, and select Add more. Scroll to the Autoresponders option, and turn it on. After it's turned on, you can access the

Name and title of your signup form

You can keep your forms organized with different internal names, that only you can see. You can also assign a title to your form, that will display in the header of the form,

What is frontapp.com?

Some of our support departments use frontapp.com to communicate with our customers over email.

Emails received by my subscribers

You can see which emails your individual subscribers have seen, and the actions they've taken with those emails. This is in addition to all the general statistics you can see

Update your domain record settings

Sorry for the trouble, but we're upgrading to faster and more secure servers and you'll need to update the IP address of your Quick Shopping Cart to point to our new servers.

Website Builder 7 Favicon Supported Browsers

The Business and Business Plus versions of Website Builder let you add favicons to your website (more info). However, the favicon only displays for visitors if they're using

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