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Results of Can I transfer my domain : 3448

Finding Your Account's PHP Version Using phpinfo

The easiest way to find your PHP settings for an account is to upload a PHP info script. This will work on any account that supports PHP.

Working with ShareASale

You can use Share-A-Sale™ affiliate marketing application with your Quick Shopping Cart®storefront to find and retain customers, manage and search your marketing investments,

Using ShareASale

ShareASale™ is a full-service online marketing solution that assists you with Search (SEM), Lead Generation, and Affiliate Marketing. You can use ShareASale with your Quick

I need to file a 1099. Where can I get your W-9 form?

Click here for a copy of our W-9 form.

Website Errors: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable errors are most often caused by your site having met its maximum concurrent connection (simultaneous visitors) limit. For more

Configuring IP Addresses to Resolve SMTP Relay Limit Error Messages

If you're receiving error messages that your Windows Server 2008 has exceeded its SMTP relay limit, and you have more than one IP address configured on your server, a known

Why is WordPress unable to connect to my database during install?

If you are getting an "Error establishing a database connection" message when trying to connect to WordPress, you need to modify your wp-config.php file to work with our

Connect my domain to Blogger

If you built a blog site using Blogger and you want to use your ITEGY domain name with it, you'll need to connect your domain to your site.

Why do I get a MySQL "error: 1016 Can't open file: ..."?

Errors such as: ..."Got error: 1016: Can't open file: 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME.MYI'. (error:145)when using LOCK TABLES"... (as well as numerous other noted below) arecaused by MySQL

Create URL redirects

A redirect automatically sends your website's visitors to a chosen destination, either a different location within the same site or a new site entirely. For example, you can

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