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Results of Cloud Hosting : 439

How often do you empty the /tmp folder on your Linux hosting servers?

All "temp" files created in the /tmp directory on our Linux servers will be deleted if they have not been accessed for 168 hours (7 days).

Install WordPress on a Web or Classic Hosting Account

WordPress® is a personal publishing platform, or content management system, that you can use to set up a blog on your website.

Software versions installed on Hosting accounts

The software we install on your hosting account depends on the type of hosting you have. Note: Different types of hosting accounts support different components. For more

What is mod_rewrite?

Mod_rewrite is an Apache web server module installed on all of our Linux servers by default; it does not have to be installed or enabled. Our Linux hosting accounts support

How do I use mod_rewrite?

Mod_rewrite is an Apache Web server module installed on all of our Linux servers by default; it does not have to be installed or enabled. Our Linux hosting accounts support

Hosting Account Domain Name Change Troubleshooting

If your website's pages do not resolve after changing the domain name on your hosting account, you may be using absolute URLs containing the old domain name in the HTML code

What Is Medium trust level and how does it affect my hosting account?

Trust level refers to permissions set in the Web.config file that dictate what operations can and cannot be performed by Web applications. Our ASP.NET 3.5 and 4.0 shared

What is a dedicated IP?

A dedicated IP address is a unique Internet address assigned exclusively to a single hosting account. Only business hosting accounts are eligible for dedicated IP addresses.

Using CDOSYS to Send Email from Your Windows Hosting Account

CDOSYS is part of the System.Web.Mail namespace and is installed by default on Windows 2000 and Windows XP platforms. It replaces CDONTS for sending SMTP email messages and

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